Free Online Bible Correspondence Courses

~ Students Must Register to Take these Free Courses ~

photo of man studying the bible.Announcement:  The Beginning Bible Course is now ready for use. 

Response to our online Bible courses has been overwhelming and, in order to meet the demand we are currently automating the grading process to enhance user experience.  Previously, the student had to wait for a quiz to be graded and returned by email.

Now, a grade will be visible as soon as the student clicks the submit button. The student will still be able to contact the instructor with any questions and even schedule personal, online classes via Skype.  Currently, the Beginning Bible Course is ready.  We hope to have the Intermediate Bible Course and the Advanced Bible Course available in the coming months.

Although these courses are free, the student must register in order to access these pages and take the courses.  We believe these changes will enable the student to learn faster, and, rather than have the instructor spend time with the grading, he/ she will be able to spend that valuable time actually communicating with the student.

Get Started with the online Beginning Bible Course…